
Knowledge and passion for a shared goal

Do you agree that the work of an architecture firm must create the optimum framework for the future users? And that this goal is best achieved when everyone involved contributes their expertise in an open, flexible and solution-orientated manner? Are you a team player, committed, independent, have ideas and like to share them with like-minded people? Then you could be the ideal addition to our team.

Wenn dir dieser Ansatz entspricht und du gerne engagiert und selbständig arbeitest, den Austausch unter Gleichgesinnten schätzt, dann könntest du die ideale Ergänzung für unser Team sein.


Currently wanted

All current vacancies are listed below. They include positions for experienced professionals as well as for students and apprentices. Please note this distinction.

Even if you cannot find a suitable vacancy with us, we are always interested in receiving qualified applications.

Wenn Sie dennoch motiviert sind, Ihr Know-how und Ihr Engagement bei uns zum Nutzen unserer Bauherrschaften einzubringen, dann senden Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen unverbindlich an jobs.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen.


Full time
Part time
Study position
Remote / Vorort
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More than usual

Blaser Architekten is a reliable, open minded and responsible employer. You will enjoy numerous benefits in addition to the standard employment conditions in the industry.

  • Transparenz

    We believe in flat hierarchical structures and in achieving goals faster as a team. That's why you'll always find someone to help with questions and support.

  • Openness

    The whole world is constantly changing. That's why new ideas are constantly needed, and you'll always find interested ears for them.

  • Empowerment

    We want everyone to be able to realise and develop their potential. We do our utmost to create a framework in which this is achievable.

  • Flexibilität & Balance

    Various part-time models, team events, good work schedules and joint yoga (voluntary, of course) create the basis for a good work-life balance.

  • Equality

    Knowledge, expertise and commitment to the cause are all that count.

  • Working environment

    Bright and spacious open offices, inviting and varied indoor and outdoor meeting zones and the latest IT infrastructure are the pillars of our working environment.

Would you like to learn from our experience and contribute your own knowledge?

Get in touch with us now.

Managing director, Member Corporate Circle

Architecture internship

We offer prospective architects six-month or twelve-month internships. Their content corresponds to the requirements set by the universities for a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Training as a draftsperson

We regularly train draftspersons specialising in architecture. During the four-year apprenticeship, we share with our trainees all the knowledge they need for a multifaceted career.

Trail days as a draftsperson

In spring and autumn, young people have the opportunity to get to know the lively profession of a draftsperson in the field of architecture. Three trail days are organised for a total of four interested students.

Interested in learning from the experience and knowledge of our team?

Get in touch with us now.

Managing director, Member Corporate Circle