Sehen - Sehen

Sehen - Sehen

... to look at, to see, to realise, to overlook, to look round, unseen, to foresee, to perceive, to look away, to see again, to watch ... Part of every conscious perception, every purposeful endeavour.

Drawings by Mette Stausland
Photographs by Werner Blaser

The author recognises through his work and is in turn perceived through it. Cultural background (of the creator, the viewer, the content...) and situational moment form a code of seeing. Designing here also means creating visual connections.

In this show 'Sehen-Sehen' (Seeing-Seeing), the confrontation of planned expression of will and chance discovery is manifested. Mette's fields of vision fade into Werner's perspectives. Déjà vu and spontaneous realisation are of course desired. The presence of the photographic and drawn images in this space, primarily conceived for our professional work, creates moods in the background and can be directly incorporated into our architectural discussions as a source of inspiration and argumentative aid. In this respect, we are certainly pursuing a didactic purpose, but we would rather like to inspire people to focus more on the present and the veiled and to stimulate sensual thinking.

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Duration of the event series
17.06.2010 - 16.09.2010

Events related to this project

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Past events

Roger Widmer
Roger Widmer
Stefan Winterle and Adriano A. Biondo
Stefan Winterle and Adriano A. Biondo
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Thomas Fundneider
Thomas Fundneider
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Andreas Erbe
Andreas Erbe
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Stefan Behnisch
Stefan Behnisch
Wanja Bont
Wanja Bont
Andreas Weber
Andreas Weber
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
David Calas
David Calas
Raphael Gielgen
Raphael Gielgen
Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Philipp Kuntze
Philipp Kuntze
Stephan Trüby
Stephan Trüby
Andreas Courvoisier
Andreas Courvoisier
David Schärer
David Schärer
Carol Willis
Carol Willis
Rebecca Geyer
Rebecca Geyer
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Stefan Meier
Stefan Meier
Tatiana Bilbao
Tatiana Bilbao
Eik Frenzel
Eik Frenzel
Theo Deutinger
Theo Deutinger
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Heinrich Degelo
Heinrich Degelo
Barbara Rentsch
Barbara Rentsch