DigitalSpace Nr.14

Productive spaces for the city of tomorrow

Date: 20.09.2017/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Niels Boeing
Niels Boeing

Niels Boeing

Journalist and author, founder of FAB-LAB, Hamburg
FAB-LAB Hamburg
FAB-LAB Hamburg

Niels Boeing, born in Bochum in 1967, studied physics and philosophy in Aachen and Berlin and now works as a freelance journalist and author. Niels Boeing is co-founder of the Fab Lab Fabulous St. Pauli e.V. His most recent publication is 'Von Wegen. Überlegungen zur freien Stadt der Zukunft - Nautilus Flugschrift'.