DigitalSpace Nr.15

Incidental Space and the digital contagion

Date: 27.09.2017/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Hans Frei
Hans Frei

Hans Frei

Architect ETH and theorist, Zurich
Architect and author
Architect and author

Hans Frei is an architect (Dipl. Arch. ETH) who is primarily concerned with theoretical and conceptual questions of architecture. He completed his doctorate in 1989 at the University of Zurich on Max Bill as an architect. Together with Cornel Näf (AA hons) he founded the architectural office 'm22'. He has taught at various universities (e.g. Bartlett School of Architecture London, University of Kassel, ETH Zurich). His texts have appeared in AAFiles, arch+, Werk, Bauen & Wohnen and NZZ, among others. His most recent texts have dealt with digitalisation, including: The ideal city of the XXI century; The Laplacean demon of digitalisation; Efficient - but not urban at all; From the Internet of Things to the Smart City.