Planungs- und Baurecht in der Schweiz_Geschichte und Stand der Debatte
Das Schweizer Planungs- und Baurecht hat sich seit dem 19. Jahrhundert entwickelt. Heute steht es im Spannungsfeld zwischen nachhaltiger Entwicklung, wirtschaftlichem Wachstum und Naturschutz. Aktuelle Diskussionen fokussieren auf Verdichtung, Klimawandel und den Erhalt von Kulturlandschaften.

Lukas Bühlmann
Lukas Bühlmann is the owner of a spatial planning consultancy. He studied law at the University of Bern. After graduating, he worked in the Federal Administration, including in the legal department of the Federal Office for Spatial Planning from 1986-1990. From 1990-2019, he worked for the EspaceSuisse spatial planning association, becoming its director in 2003.
In 2017, the University of Basel awarded him an honorary doctorate for his services to spatial planning and his role as a bridge builder between research and practice.
Today, Lukas Bühlmann is a local councillor in the municipality of Mühleberg BE. He is a member of the spatial planning committee of the Bern-Mittelland regional conference, vice president of the Swiss Building Culture Foundation and a member of the board of trustees of the Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation.