Dys_Regulating Architecture Nr.2

Gesetz und Architektur_Zur Hölle mit der Synthese

In der Beziehung zwischen Gesetz und Architektur entsteht oft eine Spannung. Gesetzliche Vorgaben schränken kreative Freiheit ein, während Architekten innovative Lösungen suchen. Die Forderung nach Synthese, also der harmonischen Vereinigung beider, ist schwierig. Manche argumentieren, dass starre Gesetze und Vorschriften der Architektur mehr schaden als nutzen. Stattdessen wird ein radikaler Ansatz gefordert: Weg mit der Synthese, her mit der Unabhängigkeit der Architektur, um wahre Kreativität und Fortschritt zu ermöglichen.‍

Date: 28.08.2024/18- o'clock
Format: Lecture
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Manuel Herz
Manuel Herz

Manuel Herz

Architekt, Manuel Herz Architects, Basel
Manuel Herz Architects
Manuel Herz Architects

Based in Basel, Switzerland, Manuel Herz Architects is an architectural practice that is embedded in research, and is operating on a very wide range of typologies, locations and scales, from the architectural to the urban and territorial. Its completed projects include a hospital in Tambacounda in eastern Senegal and a Synagogue for the Babyn Yar memorial area in Kiev, Ukraine, as well as other projects across Europe, Africa and Asia. Beyond the architectural scale, Manuel Herz has been active in furniture and exhibition design, as well as in urban master planning and urban research. His projects have won numerous international design awards, have been exhibited in biennales and museums world wide, and acquired into the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (moma), amongst others.

Manuel Herz is a leading scholar in migration-focused architecture and urbanism. Herz has curated prestigious exhibitions, such as the National Pavilion of Western Sahara at the Venice Architecture Biennial, and contributed to collaborative projects like "Nairobi - Migration Shaping the City" and the metrobasel Comic, which examine urban development in diverse contexts.