Flüchtiges Zuhause Nr.12

Temporary living space - possibilities in Basel

Date: 29.06.2016/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Regula Küng und Nicole Wagner
Regula Küng und Nicole Wagner

Regula Küng und Nicole Wagner

Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt, Head of the Housing Development Centre (Küng) / Head of the Social Welfare Office Basel-Stadt (Wagner)
Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt / Social Welfare Basel-Stadt
Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt / Social Welfare Basel-Stadt

Regula Küng studied economics in Basel. She then worked in various positions at the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, including at a local NGO in India. Subsequently moved to the private sector and managed projects in areas such as property management and ageing. Voluntary work in the social sector. She has held her current position since 2009.

Nicole Wagner studied law in Basel and later obtained a Master's degree in management. This was followed by various positions as managing director in NGOs. At the same time, she was a member of the Basel-Stadt Grand Council for 11 years. Voluntary work in the social and cultural sector. Since 2011 Head of the Basel Social Welfare Office, which also includes the support and accommodation of asylum seekers and refugees.