Architecture in the time of Walls

Alfredo Brillembourg was born in New York in 1961. He received his Bachelor of Art and Architecture in 1984 and his Master of Science in Architectural Design in 1986 from Columbia University. In 1992, he completed a second degree in architecture at the University of Venezuela and began his independent architectural practice. In 1993, he founded the Urban Think Tank (U-TT) in Caracas, Venezuela. He has been a member of the Venezuelan Association of Architects and Engineers since 1994. Since 2007, Brillembourg has been a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Architecture and Planning at Columbia University, where he co-founded the Sustainable Living Urban Model Laboratory (S.L.U.M. Lab) together with Hubert Klumpner. Brillembourg and Klumpner have held a chair at ETH Zurich since 2010. Brillembourg has over 20 years of experience in architecture and urban planning. Together with Hubert Klumpner, he received the Ralph Erskine Award in 2010, the Gold Holcim Award for Latin America in 2011 and the Silver Holcim Global Award in 2012 for his innovations in the field of social and ecological urban design.