Engelbart and the Library of Babel

Henning Lobin
Henning Lobin (*1964) studied German language and literature, philosophy and computer science. After completing his doctorate (1991, University of Bonn) and habilitation (1996, University of Bielefeld), he was appointed to the Chair of Applied Linguistics and Computational Linguistics at the University of Giessen in 1999. Since 2007, he has headed the Centre for Media and Interactivity, where he has acted as speaker for several research networks. Lobin is the author of seven monographs (most recently 'Engelbart's Traum', 2014, 'Die wissenschaftliche Präsentation', 2012, 'Computerlinguistik und Texttechnologie', 2010) and editor of numerous anthologies. Henning Lobin is Director of the Centre for Media and Interactivity at the University of Giessen.