Spacing Library. Appropriation practices of knowledge

Nicolaj van der Meulen und Jörg Wiesel
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wiesel. 2011-2013 Professor specialising in cultural studies and performance at the Institute of Fashion Design and in the Masterstudio Design. 2007 Habilitation at the FU Berlin with a thesis on the cultural history of piracy. 2005-2010 Visiting professor at the Institute for Theatre Studies at the FU Berlin. Doctorate with a thesis on theatre and monarchy in the 19th century. Lecturer, research assistant and assistant at the universities and colleges in Kiel, Giessen, Basel, Zurich and Berlin. 1986-1988 assistant director at Schauspiel Dortmund. 1984-1990 studied theatre and literature in Munich.
Prof. Dr. Nicolaj van der Meulen. Habilitation with a thesis on image, space and performance in the late baroque sacred space of Zwiefalten. 2010-2012 Head of the research project "Shaping the Future. Das Bild als Generator von Innovation." 2009-2012 Coordination of the Master's programme "Iconic Research and Visual Communication". 2009-2010 Collaboration with the National Centre of Competence in Research eikones, University of Basel. 2002-2007 Assistant and lecturer at the Department of Art History at the University of Basel under Prof. Dr Gottfried Boehm. 1998-2000 Doctorate with a thesis on the temporality of cubist images. 1990-1998 Studied art history, philosophy, theology and church history.