KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.10

Acoustic well-being in the room

Date: 19.11.2015/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Markus Ringger
Markus Ringger

Markus Ringger

Dr. phil. Physiker SIA, Gruner AG, Basel
Gruner AG, Basel
Gruner AG, Basel

Markus Ringger holds a doctorate in physics from the University of Basel. He worked as a research assistant at Empa, Department of Acoustics. Today he works as a senior at Gruner AG in the Building Physics and Acoustics Department. He is a part-time lecturer in acoustics and vibrations at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW.