RaumBildung – BildungsRaum Nr.10

School space: developments and cooperation in research, education and training in German-speaking countries

Date: 05.06.2014/18- o'clock
Meeting point: Schauraum B c/o Blaser Architekten AG, Austrasse 24, CH-4051 Basel
Meeting point:
Michael Zinner
Michael Zinner

Michael Zinner

Architect University of Arts Linz / research focus on SchulRAUMkultur
Linz University of Art, A
Linz University of Art, A

Michael Zinner is an architect in Linz, Vienna and Carinthia with many years of international experience in social housing and school construction. He has been researching the topic of 'schulRAUMkultur' at the University of Arts in Linz since 2011. His aim is to take a closer look at the dialogue between architecture and education in order to prepare the field for future participatory processes in the production of school buildings.