Developments in the Basel labour market

Christoph Brutschin
Christoph Brutschin has been Head of the Department of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs of the Canton of Basel-Stadt since 2009, with responsibility for the economy, social insurance and social welfare as well as the environment and energy policy. He represents the canton on the Board of Directors of EuroAirport, MCH Group AG and Schweizerische Rheinhäfen, among others. Christoph Brutschin has been President of the Conference of Economic Directors VDK since June 2016. After completing his basic commercial apprenticeship and working in the construction industry, Christoph Brutschin studied economics and business education at the University of Fribourg i.Ü. He was then a teacher and later headmaster of the KV Basel business school. Christoph Brutschin was a member of the Grand Council from 1992 to 2005. (Photo: Daniel Infanger)