Work in progress - theses on the working world of the future

Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Dr Stephan Sigrist is the founder and director of the think tank W.I.R.E. He has been analysing interdisciplinary developments in business, science and society for many years and focuses primarily on the consequences of digitalisation. He is the editor of the ABSTRAKT book series and author of numerous publications. With W.I.R.E., he advises decision-makers on the development of long-term strategies, accompanies innovation projects and supports companies in the reorganisation of future-oriented spaces for employees and exchanges with customers. After studying biochemistry at the ETH Zurich and writing his doctoral thesis at the Collegium Helveticum, he worked in medical research at Hoffman-La Roche. He then worked as a management consultant at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.