Workplace in the alley

Prof. Carlo Fabian is a social and health psychologist FSP as well as a coach and organisational developer MAS│bso. Research and teaching activities at the University of Zurich, the Institute for Addiction Research ISF Zurich, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland and practical experience at the Swiss Health Foundation RADIX. Management and realisation of numerous evaluation and research projects as well as conceptual work in the field of health promotion and prevention, child and youth welfare. Expert work for the FOPH, FSIO, Tobacco Prevention Fund. Member of the Federal Commission for Addiction Issues EKSF. Main areas of work: City and health. President of Schwarzer Peter Basel since 2017.
Yvonne Bürgin graduated from the Lucerne School of Social Work with an additional qualification in the field of addiction. She has also completed several training courses on dealing with violent individuals. From 1995 to 2004, she worked for the charitable foundation Wohnhilfe, providing support and counselling for people with addictions and mental illnesses. Since 2009, she has worked for the Schwarzer Peter association for street work in the areas of personnel and outreach social work/counselling.