Study to analyse the opportunities and risks of further industrial use of the Swissmetal site in Dornach.
- Client
- Baoshida SwissmetalBaoshida Swissmetal
- Location
- Dornach
- Mandate form
- Architect
- Status
- AbgeschlossenCompletedIn PlanungIn planningIn UmsetzungIn realisation
- Services
- Study
- Duration
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Baoshida Swissmetal had acquired the operations and machinery at the Swissmetal site in Dornach from the former Swissmetal Industries AG. It now also wanted to acquire the approximately 127,000 m2 site. On behalf of Baoshida Swissmetal, Blaser Architekten drew up an industrial development concept for the utilisation, construction and spatial development. The aim of the task was to determine the boundary conditions with regard to access, environment and utilisation of the buildings on the site. Concepts for optimised production processes in the existing and future building fabric were identified. In addition, a further development concept with the necessary development steps was drawn up for the site. Based on the boundary conditions, the potentials and risks of further industrial use were identified by analysing opportunities and risks as well as strengths and weaknesses.
Project information
- Visualisierung
- Janik Studio Architektur Visualisierungen
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