Project competition organised by the Canton of Zug in collaboration with the architectural firms Miroslav Sik and Joos & Mathys Architekten.

Competition Focus Zug

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Project competition organised by the Canton of Zug in collaboration with the architectural firms Miroslav Sik and Joos & Mathys Architekten.

  • Client
  • Kantonale Verwaltung Zug / Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe AG
    Kantonale Verwaltung Zug / Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe AG
  • Location
  • Zug
  • Mandate form
  • Architect
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • Competition
  • Duration
  • 03.2013
    0 Days
Competition Focus Zug

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Competition Focus Zug

The cantonal administration and Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe AG are planning a joint project for their space requirements on the Aa site in Zug. It is intended not only to solve the current space problems of both partners, but also to create the conditions for a future-orientated public service.

Blaser Architekten AG took part in the project competition organised by the Canton of Zug with the architectural firms Miroslav Sik and Joos & Mathys Architekten with the 'Palio' project. The guiding urban image of the development consists of two strongly defined perimeter buildings and a generously proportioned, meandering, publicly accessible outdoor space in the centre of the development. The spatially strong spatial setting of the square sequence, which is also enlivened by projections and recesses, consists of a continuous four-storey cubature. Three metropolitan, staggered towers and the high-rise of a later planned extension rise above the city centre. The 'Palio' project was awarded 4th place.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 251'784
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 67'202
  • Partner Architekt
  • Joos + Mathys Architekten / Miroslav Sik
  • Baumanagement
  • PBK AG
  • Visualisierung
  • Janik Studio Architektur Visualisierungen


  • Elektro
  • Boess Sytek AG
  • Andy Wickart Hautechnik AG
  • Bauphysik
  • Zehnder + Kälin AG
  • Landschaft
  • Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten AG
  • Energie
  • Gruner AG
  • Brandschutz
  • Visiotec Technical Consulting AG

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