Refurbishment of a 19th century town house.

City villa Feierabendstrasse

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Refurbishment of a 19th century town house.

  • Client
  • Privat
  • Location
  • Basel
  • Mandate form
  • Architect
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • Conversion/Renovation
  • Duration
  • 03.2011
    0 Days
City villa Feierabendstrasse

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City villa Feierabendstrasse

The large 19th century townhouse on Feierabendstrasse was extensively renovated following a change of ownership. The basic spatial structure and character of the house were taken into consideration. The existing windows were doubled while retaining the original appearance and all surfaces were carefully restored. The bathrooms and kitchen were redesigned. The wet areas were designed in different colours, which extend across the floor as well as the walls, ceilings and the custom-made bathroom furniture.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 1'925
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 564
  • Nutzfläche m2
  • 320
  • Fotografie
  • Archiv Blaser Architekten AG


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