KlangRaum – RaumKlang

KlangRaum – RaumKlang

Auditory spatial and material perception

Spatial and material sound have great potential in urban/rural development and design, architecture and the choice of materials. The city and the space, and therefore also the material and the sound, are becoming denser due to population growth.

The sensory impressions of the city, country, space and material are primarily visual (via sight) and not enough tactile (via touch) and auditory (via hearing). The two distant senses of "sight" and "hearing" are of great importance for the perception of our environment. These two senses work closely together. Our memory inextricably links experienced sounds with associated, experienced images.

Spatial and material sounds have great potential in urban/rural development and design, architecture and the choice of materials. The city and the space, and thus also the material and the sound, are becoming denser due to population growth. The series of events is intended to sharpen our understanding of acoustic diversity and the acoustic qualities of places and spaces.

Sound installations by Peter Philippe Weiss, Corporate Sound, Basel / Trond Maag, urbanID, Zurich / Ramon De Marco, Idee und Klang, Basel / Manuela Meier, Unlaut, Basel / Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale, Zurich and percussionist Fritz Hauser.

The event takes place with the kind support of: Kvadrat Soft Cells, AUE Amt Für Umwelt und Energie Kanton Basel Stadt

Co-operation partners:
Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale Zurich and ZeitRäume Basel

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Duration of the event series
18.08.2015 - 03.12.2015

Events related to this project

Future events

24. September 2016, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.5
03. December 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.12
26. November 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.11
19. November 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.10
12. November 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.9
05. November 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.8
29. October 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.7
22. October 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.6
10. September 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.4
03. September 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.3
27. August 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.2
18. August 2015, 18
KlangRaum – RaumKlang Nr.1

Past events

Christoph Brutschin
Christoph Brutschin
Alfredo Brillembourg
Alfredo Brillembourg
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Stefan Behnisch
Stefan Behnisch
Andreas Erbe
Andreas Erbe
Thomas Fundneider
Thomas Fundneider
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Raphael Gielgen
Raphael Gielgen
Wanja Bont
Wanja Bont
David Calas
David Calas
Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Philipp Kuntze
Philipp Kuntze
Andreas Weber
Andreas Weber
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
David Schärer
David Schärer
Rebecca Geyer
Rebecca Geyer
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Eik Frenzel
Eik Frenzel
Stefan Meier
Stefan Meier
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Theo Deutinger
Theo Deutinger
Carol Willis
Carol Willis
Andreas Courvoisier
Andreas Courvoisier
Stephan Trüby
Stephan Trüby
Tatiana Bilbao
Tatiana Bilbao
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Heinrich Degelo
Heinrich Degelo
Barbara Rentsch
Barbara Rentsch