View of the office zone with Quietbox


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Conversion and refurbishment of an office space for the company Swiss Rockets AG at Picassoplatz in Basel.

  • Client
  • Swiss Rockets AG
    Swiss Rockets AG
  • Location
  • Basel
  • Mandate form
  • Architect
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • Conversion/Renovation
  • Duration
  • 01.2024
    0 Days

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Swiss Rockets AG, based in Basel, specializes in the development of innovative cancer therapies and drugs. Using advanced technologies, the team searches for new treatments to cure cancer, making it a key player in the field of biopharmaceutical research and development.

At Picassoplatz at Lautengartenstrasse 6, we planned and executed the conversion of the office space for Swiss Rockets AG. The existing building was characterized by individual rooms and a central, dark corridor. By removing walls, the space was transformed into an open office landscape flooded with daylight. The ceilings were cleaned, the walls painted and the floor replaced. In addition, the kitchen was refreshed and extended and the electrical installations were renewed.

The new office space was designed by “novu office”. The use of furniture and large acoustic panels also gave the space structure. The rather cool colors of the furniture were contrasted by the generous use of plants. The office space now offers various retreats in the form of meeting rooms, conference rooms, an informal sofa corner, in-room boxes and telephone booths.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 2'070
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 690
  • Nutzfläche m2
  • 530
  • Fotografie
  • Michael Fritschi


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