Workplace Creation at Primeo AG

Workplace Creation at Primeo AG through pioneering building technology with antique building material... Founded over 125 years ago, the Primeo Energie cooperative is headquartered in Münchenstein and reliably supplies over 180,000 households in Switzerland and France with energy. Under the motto ‘We bundle energy’, the infrastructure company focuses on the decarbonisation of the energy supply and offers intelligent, unique solutions in the areas of smart homes, sustainable mobility and energy efficiency. These are aimed at private and business customers as well as energy supply companies, cities and municipalities.

Primeo AG's ‘W27’ office building in Basel-Münchenstein iscurrently being extensively modernised and converted from traditionalindividual offices into a modern office concept. Under the name‘New-Work@Primeo’, we were entrusted with the task of carrying out the entireremodelling, initially on the top floor of the four-storey building, with aparticular focus on integrating a sustainable ventilation and cooling system.The latter is due to the construction method typical of the 1960s, in whichconcrete was a popular and widely used building material. It is well known thatconcrete has poor insulation and inadequate ventilation quality, which leads toconsiderable heating problems and inadequate cooling, particularly on the topfloor.

Together with the client and the specialist planners, we aretackling this situation with an innovative concept and, instead of conventionalair conditioning and ventilation systems, are opting for a more environmentallyfriendly solution: a clay construction as a cooling ceiling. Loam, a naturalmixture of clay, sand and silt, has been used as a building material forcenturies. Even in ancient times, and in the construction of the pyramids, claywas used. Thanks to its excellent thermal properties, clay can store heat andat the same time absorb and evenly release moisture. This promotes a constantlevel of humidity and prevents condensation from forming, which in turnminimises the risk of mould growth. The clay ceiling also enables continuouscooling without conventional air conditioning systems. Not insignificant: apleasant indoor climate contributes significantly to better concentration amongemployees and therefore improves working conditions in the long term. 

But the clay ceiling is not the only part of the concept.The construction can be easily integrated into a modern climate control systemand includes the connection to automated blinds and CO2 measuring devices toprecisely regulate the room temperature and humidity as well as the oxygencontent. The ceiling construction therefore does not work on its own, but inthe context of an intelligent control system, which in turn accesses a weatherstation - installed on the roof of Primeo AG. As soon as a certain level ofsunlight intensity is reached, this weather station sends a signal to theblinds, which then close. The CO2 meter monitors the carbon dioxide level inthe room and opens the blinds and windows when the level rises. At night, everysecond window opens to let in cool air (night cooling) so that the structurecools down and therefore requires less cooling capacity during the day. Thiscreates a closed cooling circuit that ensures improved room quality in asustainable way.

 Another advantage of the clay ceiling is its durability.With the right care, it can remain in use for many years. Any damage can berepaired simply by re-plastering or repairs, and maintenance is uncomplicated,without the need for special cleaning agents or complex procedures. The onlydrawback is that subsequent installations on the ceiling are time-consuming, asthe cooling pipes have to be probed beforehand to avoid damaging them.

 Overall, this type of building automation and thecombination of the natural properties of clay with modern control technologiesoffers a sustainable cooling and ventilation system that meets today'sstandards for environmentally friendly construction. Optimised energyconsumption and sustainable use of resources included.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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Heading H5

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non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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