Refurbishment of a commercial building in a central location in Basel with extension of use to a residential and commercial building.

Aeschenvorstadt residential and commercial building

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Refurbishment of a commercial building in a central location in Basel with extension of use to a residential and commercial building.

  • Client
  • Privat
  • Location
  • Basel
  • Mandate form
  • Architect
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • Conversion/Renovation
  • Duration
  • 12.2011
    0 Days
Aeschenvorstadt residential and commercial building

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Aeschenvorstadt residential and commercial building

A building analysis of the property on Aeschenvorstadt revealed that the building, which was used purely as a commercial property, was in urgent need of refurbishment. Its central location in Basel with direct access to public transport and a wide range of shopping facilities made a change of use an obvious choice. The building now offers retail space on the ground floor facing the lively Aeschenvorstadt and office space on the lower four floors. Exclusive flats for urban people have been created facing the quiet inner courtyard and on the top floors.

The former passageway between Aeschenvorstadt and Brunngässlein was removed in favour of the retail space. The flats have a high standard of fit-out. The building envelope was refurbished in accordance with the latest ecological standards. The façade facing Aeschenvorstadt was clad with a fluted Roman travertine stone. The existing pitched roof was replaced by a flat roof with extensive greenery. The chosen solution allowed the top flat to be enlarged with a new terrace facing the inner courtyard. The flats on the courtyard side were given an attached balcony tower.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 8'950
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 2'3710
  • Nutzfläche m2
  • 1'990
  • Fotografie
  • Michael Fritschi


  • Statik
  • Jauslin Stebler AG
  • Elektro
  • Selmoni Ingenieure AG
  • Bogenschütz AG
  • Akustik
  • Gartenmann Engineering AG
  • Schadstoffe
  • Carbotech AG
  • Fassade
  • Christoph Etter Fassadenplanung
  • Brandschutz
  • Visiotec Technical Consulting AG

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