

Design and use of public spaces

Who owns public space? Who designs it and who uses it? Where does public responsibility for safety, service and maintenance end and where does the user's responsibility begin?

The global wave of urbanisation is placing new demands on urban space and its infrastructure. Influences such as social change, digitalisation and the shift of the private into the public sphere and vice versa are also changing the expression of and demands on cities and space. We would like to explore how public space could develop in the future.

Who owns it anyway? Who designs it and who uses it? Where does the public responsibility for safety, service and maintenance end and where does the users' personal responsibility begin? What is the effect of a possible over-instrumentalisation of the spaces on offer and their infrastructures? How can public spaces be used jointly by a wide variety of users without conflict? As usual, we will be exploring this topic in an exhibition section and in an accompanying series of lectures. We have invited speakers from the fields of architecture, art, economics, sociology, history and administration.

PublicSpace - Stencil Graffiti
Stefan Winterle, Stencil Artist & Kurator Colab Gallery, Weil am Rhein
PublicSpace - Urban Photography
Adriano A. Biondo, Fotograf & Art Director Biondopictures, Basel

The event series takes place with the kind support of 'CMS Christoph Merian Stifung', 'Sulger Stiftung', 'Losinger Marazzi' and 'MÜLLER-STEINAG ELEMENT AG'

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Duration of the event series
13.06.2018 - 30.11.2018

Events related to this project

Future events

21. November 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.11
07. November 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.10
31. October 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.9
17. October 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.8
26. September 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.7
12. September 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.6
05. September 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.5
17. August 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.4
16. August 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.3
17. June 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.2
13. June 2018, 18
PublicSpace Nr.1

Past events

Stefan Winterle and Adriano A. Biondo
Stefan Winterle and Adriano A. Biondo
Alfredo Brillembourg
Alfredo Brillembourg
Roger Widmer
Roger Widmer
Tom Steiner
Tom Steiner
Stefan Behnisch
Stefan Behnisch
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Dr. Stephan Sigrist
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Carlo Fabian and Yvonne Bürgin
Andreas Erbe
Andreas Erbe
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Thomas Fundneider
Thomas Fundneider
Raphael Gielgen
Raphael Gielgen
Andreas Weber
Andreas Weber
David Calas
David Calas
Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Esther Keller, Dr. Ursula Scheidegger and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmid
Wanja Bont
Wanja Bont
Philipp Kuntze
Philipp Kuntze
Carol Willis
Carol Willis
Andreas Courvoisier
Andreas Courvoisier
Rebecca Geyer
Rebecca Geyer
Stephan Trüby
Stephan Trüby
Stefan Meier
Stefan Meier
Eik Frenzel
Eik Frenzel
Theo Deutinger
Theo Deutinger
David Schärer
David Schärer
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Dr. sc. ETH Britta Hentschel
Tatiana Bilbao
Tatiana Bilbao
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Daniel Häni and Rodrigo Krönkvist
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Hans-Georg Bächtold
Heinrich Degelo
Heinrich Degelo
Barbara Rentsch
Barbara Rentsch