
Limmattal Vocational School

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New extension for the Limmattal cantonal school in Urdorf near Zürich due to the sharp rise in pupil numbers.

  • Client
  • Kanton Zürich
    Kanton Zürich
  • Location
  • Urdorf
  • Mandate form
  • General planner
  • Status
  • Abgeschlossen
    In Planung
    In planning
    In Umsetzung
    In realisation
  • Services
  • New building
  • Duration
  • 11.2016
    0 Days
Limmattal Vocational School

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Limmattal Vocational School

With an extension, the space available in the school complex is to be adapted to the rapidly growing number of pupils and optimised operationally. The room programme includes the entire teaching area for science and music, four sports halls and an assembly hall.

The proposed new building relates to the industrial surroundings of the site in its scale and character and creates a new and clear identity for the cantonal school. The new school building has two programmatic characteristics: a large interior scale for sports and the assembly hall and a smaller scale for the classrooms. The quadruple gymnasium and the assembly hall are located half underground as a basement. All classrooms are grouped together under one roof on the upper level above the sports centre and assembly hall.

The positioning of the new building volume creates a spacious plaza and access situation that brings students and teaching staff together. The new entrance to the plaza is located directly next to the new tram stop ‘In der Luberzen’. The landscaped space and plaza connects the old and new buildings and brings together people from the existing and extended school as well as the athletes.

Project information

  • GV SIA 416 m3
  • 45'005
  • GF SIA 416 m2
  • 11'580
  • Nutzfläche m2
  • 8'006
  • Partner Architekt
  • Lindroos Architects


  • Statik
  • Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure AG
  • Energie
  • Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
  • Transplan Technik-Bauplanung GmbH
  • Landschaft
  • Westpol Landschaftsarchitektur
  • Fassade
  • Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG
  • Brandschutz
  • Visiotec Technical Consulting AG
  • Laborplaner
  • Laborplaner Tonelli AG

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