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Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Philip Loskant
Philip Ursprung
Philip Ursprung
ETH Zürich, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur (gta)
ETH Zürich, Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur (gta)
Philipp Kuntze
Philipp Kuntze
World Crafts
World Crafts
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Philippe Stadler Benz and Lukas Ott
Smart City SBB / Cantonal and urban development of Basel-Stadt
Smart City SBB / Cantonal and urban development of Basel-Stadt
Prof. Dr. Daniel Müller
Prof. Dr. Daniel Müller
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Hanns Hatt
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. med. habil. Hanns Hatt
Ruhr University Bochum
Ruhr University Bochum
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmitt
ETH Zurich
ETH Zurich
Prof. Dr. Isidor Wallimann
Prof. Dr. Isidor Wallimann
Association Urban Agriculture Basel, Association Social Economy Basel
Association Urban Agriculture Basel, Association Social Economy Basel
Rahul Mehrotra
Rahul Mehrotra
Architect und urban planer
Architect und urban planer
Ramon De Marco
Ramon De Marco
Idee und Klang GmbH, Basel
Idee und Klang GmbH, Basel
Raphael Gielgen
Raphael Gielgen
Vitra AG, Weil am Rhein
Vitra AG, Weil am Rhein
Rebecca Geyer
Rebecca Geyer
Bureau Giacometti
Bureau Giacometti
Regula Küng und Nicole Wagner
Regula Küng und Nicole Wagner
Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt / Social Welfare Basel-Stadt
Cantonal and Urban Development Basel-Stadt / Social Welfare Basel-Stadt
Reinhard Kahl
Reinhard Kahl
Archiv der Zukunft, Hamburg, D
Archiv der Zukunft, Hamburg, D
Richard Burdett
Richard Burdett
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Economics and Political Science
Richard Horden
Richard Horden
hcl architects
hcl architects
Riken Yamamoto
Riken Yamamoto
Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop Co.
Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop Co.
Roger Widmer
Roger Widmer
Roman Gaus
Roman Gaus
UrbanFarmers AG, Zurich
UrbanFarmers AG, Zurich
Roman Kaiser
Roman Kaiser
Fragrance chemist
Fragrance chemist
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Schauraum B projects

Dys_Regulating Architecture

How laws and standards regulate space

Is the obstacle-laden path of laws and standards in the area of tension between direct democracy, legal certainty and federalism still up to date?


How the monetary system determines architecture

Who owns our buildings and who or what determines where and how they are built? What roles do demand, utility, power, speculation or profit play?


What to do with Covid-19

What influence do we have on the emergence of pandemics and what influence do pandemics and their conditions have on our future and our spaces?


How we work

What and how and in which rooms will we be working in twenty years' time?


Design and use of public spaces

Who owns public space? Who designs it and who uses it? Where does public responsibility for safety, service and maintenance end and where does the user's responsibility begin?


Influence of digitalization on the city, space and people

What will the city, space and life of the digital future look like? How will we live there and what opportunities and dangers does the digitalization of our world hold?


The smell of architecture

Scents and smells have the potential to evoke emotions, awaken memories and facilitate orientation. Whether natural or artificially produced, they all have an immediate and direct effect on the brain. They stimulate our behavior and our perception.

Flüchtiges Zuhause

Temporary rooms

How does temporary architecture differ from permanent architecture? What does it have to do with mobility and flexibility? How do we want, should and must we organize ourselves spatially in order to integrate people in need of space in Europe, Switzerland and the Basel region? Are there alternatives to temporary forms of construction?

KlangRaum – RaumKlang

Auditory spatial and material perception

Spatial and material sound have great potential in urban/rural development and design, architecture and the choice of materials. The city and the space, and therefore also the material and the sound, are becoming denser due to population growth.


Libraries as knowledge spaces - a new start

The concept of the library is changing, as are the social practices of reading, writing, knowledge production and communication. Between digital and physical space, however, the construction of libraries is experiencing a new heyday. A paradox and an anachronism?

RaumBildung – BildungsRaum

Shaping learning and living spaces for the future together

School buildings with their indoor and outdoor spaces are fundamentally important for everyday life and education. They influence learning and teaching.


Consumption shapes life, space and the city

ReCity deals with the interaction between consumer behaviour and urban living space.


The DensCity event shows aspects of urban density from different points of view and perspectives in various places around the world.


VeloCity focuses on the bicycle as an individual means of transport in relation to urban development and architecture.

Sehen - Sehen

... to look at, to see, to realise, to overlook, to look round, unseen, to foresee, to perceive, to look away, to see again, to watch ... Part of every conscious perception, every purposeful endeavour.

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Exhibition design, organisation